Frequently Asked Questions

If you live in a home that is attached to other homes, such as a duplex or townhouse, you will need permissions from your neighbors to change anything in your home that could affect the structure of the walls you share. A party wall agreement is necessary before construction begins.

If your garage is attached to the house, you will have an interior door between the two. If your garage conversion will be a bedroom, home gym or other room that requires some privacy, you will probably want to keep the door between the rooms. If you are using your garage as a kitchen or living room, you may want to open the space between the rest of the house and the garage conversion for better flow.

A structural engineer focuses on the safety and stability of the structure. They will examine the walls, foundation and more for structural integrity. An architect focuses on design and appearance. They create new designs that flow well, allow the best natural light, serve the family's needs and more. For large remodeling projects, you may need both a structural engineer and an architect.

Check with the regulations in your municipality or HOA. If you want the basement to be a separate apartment, it will need secure access from outside, plumbing, electricity and HVAC services.

Probably. Check with the regulations of your municipality to see if you are permitted to convert your garage. If you have an HOA, there may also be restrictions on what you can do to change your garage.

This large project will cost $60,000-$150,000 but could add as much as 2,000 square feet onto your living space.

If your garage roof is peaked and you are installing a flat ceiling, you may want to use the additional space above the living area for storage. You'll need a door and stairs to access the space. Even a pull-down access stairway may work here. You'll also need to reinforce the ceiling beams to support the weight of the items you are storing and support walking across the beams.

Utilities will have a recommended space for venting. Check your owners manual for these specifics. Keep in mind that someone may need to perform repairs or maintenance on the appliances at some point so leave enough room for someone to walk and work around them. Also make sure that your door is large enough to move the appliances in and out of the room when they are replaced.